August 8th, 2024


Hot! Dry. In the 80s

280 miles/6 hours

Settled in at Mile 0 campground, Dawson Creek BC

Things are changing fast now. No more mountains. The heat is killing us. And we can now finally go to bed at night without black out panels in the windows. The darkness at night feels strange. We also just started seeing the wide expanse of fields with crops. That’s a precursor to what is to come. 

There’s not much to report today other than a lot of straight, boring road and trees. Not even a road kill report!

But there’s one thing I want to include so we never forget  the next time Gary says, “I want a milkshake from McDonald’s”. We both had one. Mine was small but his was large. We finished about the same time and we also experienced a major sugar crash about the same time. It’s not a problem for me to get tired but the driver has to stay awake! He pulled over and we took a 30 minute nap! We both were laughing as we got on our way again. 

We are currently staying in Dawson Creek BC. This is where the Alaska Highway officially begins. Mile 0. I saw this magnet and had to get a pic… 

And Gary got poetic and wrote this:

“As we leave Alaska 

Here’s a toast to the fish that lost their lives

Here’s to the awesome fishermen’s wives 

A toast to the Kenai and the beauty that surrounds 

To Gods creation that truly abounds

So I raise a glass to The Great I Am! the Lord!

                    The bounty of His vast array of 

              mountains, glaciers and majestic fjords. 

                                Blessings abound 

                   To those who seek and are found 

        Feasting their eyes and satiating their senses

            On all God Almighty’s awesome creation!”


  1. Great poem. Must be hard leaving all that beauty behind.

    RIP fishes!

  2. PS. I hope the fish mausoleum makes it the whole way.

    Are you going to go through Banff and Calgary, instead of Edmonton, this time? You might get one last view of the mountains.


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