June 15, 2024

Day 1



Cool, dry, clear day to travel

We drove 500 miles today

Staying in Erie, PA


The difference between a trip vs a journey… one is planned the other is taken from the Latin word ‘diurnum’ which means “daily portion”, “a day’s travel” … we’re on a journey. Taking one day at a time because scripture says “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own” Matthew 6:34

Our journey started before we ever drove our first mile! This past week has been filled with trials that have tested our resolve and patience. Tuesday my mother became ill which required me to extend my visit with her to make sure she was comfortable before leaving. On my way home while driving on a remote part of the road, a deer jumped out and hit my 4-month-old car (used but new to me!), the week continued with our internet having problems which is a big problem due to my brother Dave and his wife coming to stay at the house for a month and she works remotely! On Wednesday Gary came down with an ear infection, on Thursday mom was diagnosed with Covid and on Friday I spent 3.5 (precious) HOURS with the IT guy trying to get the Wi-Fi to work properly.  The good news is; my car is in the auto body shop and they will take care of it while we’re gone, my mother’s covid symptoms are fairly mild, the swelling in Gary’s ear is beginning to heal and the Wi-Fi is working better than it ever has.

“To God be the glory forever and ever! Amen.” Galatians 1:5-7

The day began with the alarm going off at 4 am. We were finally driving out of the driveway at 5:30. Our first problem didn’t take long to manifest itself. Gary noticed that the water pump on the toilet is not working. He has spent the first 2 hours of our first night working on trying to get the pump to work. Unfortunately he has been unsuccessful which means we will not be able to boondock/dry camp until he can figure it out.  We're settled in for the night and look forward to a good nights rest.


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