We're Baaaaack!!

Well, we lied... If you have followed our last two journeys to Alaska, the first in 2010 followed by the second in 2016, it ended up with us determining we would never return to that wonderful place.  Not that we didn't love it, but we felt we had seen all it had to offer and 150 lbs of salmon is quite enough, don't you think? 

We were satisfied... we were satiated.... we were content.... we are heading back!

Gary started reminiscing in 2020, reading through the two blog books of the previous trips and he began missing all the adventure Alaska has to offer (mainly the amazing fishing... let's be honest). We would have returned in 2021/2022 but the Canadian border remained shut due to Covid. (gotta' love all the Covid-Chaos). So we began planning in 2022 to return and to our delight our daughter Kim decided she was going to join us on this tour of the Northern Frontier! Not only her but a few couples from our home church and another couple related to them also became intrigued with the idea and before we knew it, they were also booked and preparing for the adventure. 

So, you are welcome to travel alongside us as we and our entourage head to wild Alaska to discover new roads, meet new friends, confront all kind of wildlife and be at the mercy of the road once again.  The journey begins on June 15th, 2024.

"Yours, O Lord, is the greatness, the power, the glory, the victory and the majesty. Everything in the heavens and on earth is yours, O LORD, and this is your kingdom. We adore you as the one who is over all things." 1 Chronicles 29:11


  1. As happened before let this be a journey and not a trip. Let us bless all the people we encounter

  2. enjoy this journey like the previous


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