June 25th, 2024


Cool night and very warm day. 42 overnight and 80 today.

260 miles/8 hours 

Staying at Pioneer RV park just south of Whitehorse in Yukon

Punctuation is important, eh? When we stopped to look at a possible dry camping site that overlooked a beautiful teal blue  river we noticed a handwritten note secured with duct tape to a picnic table. It read !!problem bear in area!! Gary read the note as “problem, bear in area”. He laughed and said, no kidding. I, on the other hand, read it as saying, “problem-bear in the area.” And I immediately went back to the truck for some bear spray!! Thank goodness we never encountered the problem bear. 

Today’s journey was a gorgeous drive through the Cassier Mountain range with heavy white clouds hanging above them. It was picture perfect. I know some people find the beach to be their happy place (Deb Clark) but I have to say, I am most inspired by snow capped mountains! We saw 3 black bear today but couldn’t get their picture. 

Problem # 1 has raised its ugly head again. Gary can’t seem to keep the water pump running so we will be in search of a new water pump tomorrow. Hopefully Whitehorse has one.

Gary’s road kill count: 1 raven, 1 rabbit

No, we did not have rabbit stew this evening but thanks to some “deer” friends we had venison stroganoff! It was delicious. Thanks Gerry & Gayle.


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