August 13th, 2024

**My technical advisor (ahem…. Kim) helped me walk through some steps on this blog and I think I may have fixed why people had such a hard time leaving comments. I know it’s a little late but if you want to try it, it would be helpful to know if it works! Sorry about that!

And thank you Dave for being the first to discover you can leave a comment without a goodie account!

Thanks also for your prayers and many others. We drove a total of 8 miles today. 4 to the mechanic and back again. Thank you Dan for the great visual! The map says it all. They had the trailer for an hour before discovering they don’t have the part!! Yes, we did call ahead to confirm before leaving Lloydminster and they said they had it. Now it’s being over nighted from… Edmonton! Can’t make this stuff up! We could have driven to Edmonton and had Lloydminster put it in. So here we sit in the beautiful Canadian city of Regina… waiting… again. 

The up side is, we are safe. The other leaf spring continues to hold the trailer up. It’s a beautiful day. So we are grateful for another rest day.

We didn’t waste away the day either. I washed the floors, cleaned the windows outside, shopped at Walmart, plotted out a route home and Gary greased the wheel bearings, checked the tire pressure and cleaned up the outside of the trailer.


  1. Staying Positive!!!!😀

  2. Never a dull moment with you two!

  3. Leaving a comment without goodie!

    The other upside is the Salmon Mausoleum is still safe! Right?

    1. Witnessed hurricane Debby last week. Thought G&D were in Alaska

    2. The map above looks like you are lost in a white out snowstorm!!!


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