August 19th, 2024

Our plan to spring out of bed this morning and drive the last leg of this journey early was interrupted by an intense rain storm that rolled through around 6 am. We decided to let it roll pass and give us some distance so we didn’t catch up to it. We finally got on our way at 10 am. As the day progressed we began feeling like storm chasers, but we were running from them rather than to them! It was the most difficult weather day we’ve had to drive in since the trip began. There were downpours we could hardly see through and an accident. But we’re home. To all the familiar roads and stores and sights we love so much. 

I think if you look close there might be a glacier on that mountain??!! Or is that just clouds?


Thank you all for joining us for the past 66 days as we journeyed through 2 countries and 12 states. We thank you for your comments and prayers. Dan you were an awesome cartographer. The visuals saved me a thousand words. Kim for all your help with the blog, troubleshooting and your great eye for detail. Thanks for joining us for 17 fun filled rainy days. Dave and Martie you were perfect house sitters and Grammy caretakers for a whole month!! It was a great break for both Tim, Sue and me. You both deserve gold medals! Thanks Tim & sue for giving us the green light to go, knowing you would take care of things while we were away. Gerry, Gayle, Deb, Jeff, Jimmy and Lisa… what a blast we had! It would not have been nearly as memorable without you. Thanks to all the mechanics that assisted us with a flat tire and broken leaf spring. But the Best Handyman first place ribbon goes to the guy who fixed leaky faucets, broken cabinet shelves, a broken bathroom door, found an electrical short in the main power line and replaced a water pump… all while driving a total of 12,194 miles. Gary Bishop you are my hero. 

(It’s a good thing this journey ended when it did though. The cribbage games ended with Gary 11 wins to my 10 wins. But he skunked me 4 times!!!)

Oh, and of course, thanks to all the fish that sacrificed their lives and fought valiantly. We will honor you at every salmon meal we eat! And yes. Those babies made it safe and sound! Here’s proof of survival…

Most of all we thank our Lord and Savior for keeping us safe through every mile, giving us our health to do a once-in-a-lifetime trip for the third time and providing the funds to support our crazy adventures. 

“How precious is Your loving kindness, O God!

Therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of Your wings.

They are abundantly satisfied with the fullness of Your house,

And You give them drink from the river of Your pleasures.

For with You is the fountain of life;

In Your light we see light.”

Psalm 36:7-9


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