August 17th, 2024

So we decided to take a big bite out of the miles left before us by setting our sights on Milton Wisconsin. We stayed at that KOA on our way to Alaska and it was a commitment of 500 miles. We were up early and made good time due to the light Saturday traffic. Unfortunately we did not plan for the weekend campers and that the Milton KOA would have no vacancy. So we bit off more than we could chew and drove an additional 65 miles. We are now just north west of Chicago. But that helps us to get through the city on a weekend rather than fighting work traffic. Of course the DNC is being held here this weekend so we’ll see what tomorrow brings. 

We left a peaceful, quiet campground this morning as the sun rose.  there were 3 deer grazing on the side of the road as we passed by and enjoyed our second cup of coffee watching the early morning fog lift. 

We got here at Chicago NW KOA as the sun set and we are surrounded by over a hundred campers with children and dogs as we listen to the cicadas loudly chirping. 

We drove through Duluth Minnesota and got detoured through the city but it was cool to see the city from high up on one of the back roads. It’s a pretty cool city. 

Things are beginning to look more like home with the trees and greenery. There’s even signs of changing leaves! It’s making us anxious to get back to the ’Shire’.

Road kill. 9 dead deer 2 coyotes numerous raccoons and possum 


  1. Your current camp site it 10 miles from Crystal Lake where we lived in the early 90s. Good luck on the last few days of your incredible journey!!
    I’m sure the shire will welcome you warmly! Ah, your own bed!!!


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