July 30 & 31, 2024

It’s been a tough couple of days. Gary has come down with the flu and is struggling through all the necessary packing in order to be ready to leave here on Friday morning.  The most important thing yesterday was to see if the freezer we bought will actually fit where we intended it to go. It’s very light so it wasn’t a problem getting in. It fit through the door of the camper with only an inch to spare. We rolled it to the end of the island and carefully closed one slider at a time. To our relief it fit EXACTLY as we measured with not even a half inch to spare. In order to get in and out of the bedroom we had to take the door off its hinges and store it under the cushions at the dining room table! That’s good ol’ New England ingenuity at work right there! Now to see if it will hold 120 pounds of fish??!! We’ll find out tomorrow. 


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