July 25th, 2024

I could get used to waking up to glaciers!

The weather has been cloudy all day but it didn’t deter us from our day on the Spit. The guys (Gerry and Gary) were up at 5:30 preparing for their day on the water in pursuit of halibut!!  Meanwhile, the girls (Gayle and Debbie) slept in as we were lulled to sleep by crashing waves below the Airbnb we were in. During low tide there’s a beach under the boardwalk … 

But during high tide the waves actually break underneath the dock. We eked out every minute we could there and then headed out onto the streets of the Spit. Deb & Jeff, who just arrived in town, joined us for a fantastic brunch. 

We walked the boardwalk for a short time. Poking our heads into different gift shops until we heard from Gary. His text was earlier than expected telling us they were heading back in 20 minutes and Gerry was feeling seasick!  I decided to meet them on the dock as they arrived with their big catch. I sat for 1 & 1/2 hours for their boat to come in but missed it and so I have no pictures to share. 

Sittin' in the mornin' sunI'll be sittin' when the evenin' comesWatching the ships roll inThen I watch 'em roll away again, yeah
I'm sittin' on the dock of the bayWatchin' the tide roll away, oohI'm just sittin' on the dock of the bayWastin' time

It’s a good thing Gerry took a picture of their catch because the charter’s first mate had them all filleted before reaching the dock. They had an okay time but the boat was VERY turbulent so they had a hard time fishing. We’ll know the pounds tomorrow. They caught halibut and rock fish. 

Once again it was difficult to say goodbye to such a beautiful place but we made our way back to Soldotna and called it a successful trip. 


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