July 23rd, 2024

The day started off rainy and cool before becoming a beautiful afternoon and evening. After speaking with a professional guide, the plan was to fish 2 and a half hours after the high tide. That meant in our waders, ready to go at 8:30 am. Gerry and Gayle surprised me when they showed up at the door ready to go promptly at 8:30! Especially Gayle who is not typically a morning person. So the three of us (notice who’s missing? The smart one) began our hunt for the elusive sockeye. There was no one else at the river which should have been our first clue. We casted our rods and stripped our lines in for a solid hour before admitting we were merely flogging the river. The fish have ‘turned off’ and we will need to wait to see if there might be another run in the future. 

This forced break from fishing has given us some time to calculate how much fish we already have and how we plan to get it all home. We have a total of 118 pounds, not including what Gary and Gerry will get while halibut fishing on Thursday. We checked with the processing store as for  the price of shipping to find out it will cost us $422.00 to ship 50 lbs!!!!! We were sticker shocked and began searching for alternative options. After much discussion we are now the proud owners of a 5 cubic foot freezer. We’re hoping it can fit in the trailer without taking up too much space. We’ll see. And we’re hoping to get it all home still frozen!

So, for us, and the Dukelow’s, we have completed our fishing for 2024. We both have approximately 100 pounds and are satisfied. We celebrated with Deb and Jeff at their airBNB enjoying a gorgeous 11:30 pm sunset, s’mores and a game of Swipe! 


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