June 30th, 2024

Beautiful clear, dry, warm day. No smoke today!

0 miles/0 distance 

Tok River State Recreational Park 

So last night as I was getting ready for bed and thinking how peacefully perfect this little campground is we heard a very loud shout, ALASKA STATE P0LICE, anybody in there”!! Gary answered the door quickly and it turns out they were looking for two females, mid thirties and Native American. Not too long after we watched them arrest and cuff the two and drove away. So much for a quaint little camping spot!

Today was spent listening to church this morning and thanking God for this incredible blessing of a trip He has given us and then Gary found multiple places that had shaken loose from the rough Yukon roads which he repaired. 

We have killed some time by continuing our cribbage contest but it’s not looking good for me so far! I thought the new board would bring me some luck but not so much. 


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