June 28th, 2024


sunny, windy, quite warm until the typical afternoon rain showers.

245 miles/ 7 hours

staying in Tok RV Village Campground, Tok ALASKA!

We were not intending on crossing the border today. We wanted to spend another night dry camping but we ran out of water and needed a few things charged so decided to go to the next campground that offered full hookups. Wellll.... we kept driving, and driving, and got closer and closer to the US border and only found one campground that was already full for the night. So we crossed the border. There is something about your own country. It is a relief to return to the red, white and blue no matter how far gone she is!

America, America, God shed His grace on thee....

There was no one at customs so we breezed right through

and after 13 days and 4,297 miles we have arrived!

So we are now in Alaskan time which is 4 hours difference from the East coast.

The last 200 miles between Kulane Lake and Tok was horrific. Even though the speed limit allowed 65 Gary was traveling at a very cautious 45-50 due to potholes, washboards and pilot cars. The pilot cars are designated to get you through a construction zone so you wait in line (sometimes up 30 minutes) until the pilot car arrives from the on coming traffic, you wait until all those cars are clear and then you follow the pilot car to the other side. Very tedious operation but effective. No one speeds through a construction zone! 

But the drive was not disappointing as far as scenery. We continued to see a whole new range of mountains with glaciers. Gorgeous.

One of the most interesting flowers that can be seen everywhere along the highways is Fireweed. It is the first to bloom in a burn area after a wildfire goes through and leaves behind a blackened, ugly mess. But this little pink budding flower grows up out of the ashes and offers hope for a more beautiful day. It is also the way you can tell how far into the summer you are! If the fireweed is in full bloom from top to bottom it's the beginning of summer. When you see the flowers only on the top of the stem it means winter is on its way!

Happy Birthday Adam. He would have been 39 yesterday but we wanted to celebrate with a wine he had picked out for us from Israel when he was returning home on that fateful day. So Gary bought a matching bottle and we celebrated when we crossed over the border. Cheers to the best son anyone could have. 

Gary's  Road Kill Count: 1 robin, 1 snowshoe hare (rare)


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