June 21st, 2024


Beautiful cool morning progressing into a warm dry day. High in the 80's. 75 in the shade

250 miles/6 hours

Staying in Sagitawah RV Park, Whitecourt, Alberta

The landscape is changing as we move westward. We've gone from agricultural fields to horses and beef cattle farms. It comes complete with cowboys rounding up their herd! I felt like we were driving through scenes from Heartland. We even drove by a herd of buffalo which was part of a National Park.

Our journey took us straight through the city of Edmonton today and if you are up on your hockey history you would know that tonight the Edmonton Oilers are facing the Florida Panthers for the 6th game in the Stanley Cup finals. We were hoping we wouldn't get caught in any traffic, which we didn't, but found the whole place is rocking with flags and Tshirts and their cars are decorated. They love their Oilers! Good luck tonight Edmonton!

We are slowing down our gait for the next 9 days for a few reasons. One, we don't need to be in Fairbanks until July 1st and secondly its some of the most beautiful scenery 


  1. Go Panthers! Who knew a team from FLORIDA would make it to the Stanley Cup?

    Our local hockey team, the Everblades, just won the Kelly Cup for the 3rd year in a row.


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